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Ishara Sahama

Echo Impact Group

About Ishara

Ishara is a Human Geographer who focuses on systemic change through social and gender justice

advocacy and, community organizing. Their work and passions range from experience design,

organizational & systems change that incorporates lived experience & intersectional experiences,

and co-designing more equitable community spaces.


They are co-founder of Echo Impact Group (EIG), a multidisciplinary strategy agency that focuses

on providing holistic, systems-level impact measurement, strategy design and community

development services that enable long-lasting, measurable change.


Ishara is committed to collaborating with others to create a more sustainable & regenerative

future and does so through their multifaceted understanding of how intersectional barriers develop

across or within communities, and how it can impact people, environment, and systems. Ishara is

skilled at translating human emotions and aspirations into tangible experiences, programs or

publications that support strategic change, community building initiatives or creative expression.

Conference Panellist

Presenting alongside Susanne Bransgrove

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